Wednesday, October 13, 2010

So what is this core or reality ?

In the previous blog we decided that our core is the only unchanging thing and hence it may be the thing that we need to find the everlasting peace or joy that all of us are looking for. I as an individual change but I also have an aspect of myself that does not change - can I get more information about it? Well let us take a statement of Sri Ramana Maharshi - "

"How do you feel the ‘I’ now? Do you hold a mirror before you to know your own being? The awareness is the ‘I’. Realise it and that is the truth."

So this awarness or our own Being is the reality. This core is basically Being. It is referred in the Advaita philosophy as Sat Chit Anand (Being, Awareness, Bliss). These are the quality of our core. But many people contend that they cannot feel this Being. From here on things get difficult for many but according to Sri Ramana Maharshi, this is the easiest thing to do - that is to Be. To Be one has to do nothing. Infact one cannot ever "not be". Let us take these 2 questions:

1> Can you Be without thinking?

2> Can you think without Being?

To the first question we  are not sure, if we can be without thinking. I feel you can, atleast of a few nanoseconds. Infact between any 2 thoughts there is always a gap and thus we can safely say yes, I can be without thinking. Now let us take the second question, this we all know for SURE, that I cannot think without Being. I have to Be to think or else who is the thinker? Right? So we see there are 2 concepts here, thinking and Being. Of this we are all familiar with thinking but most of us have not spent sufficient time with this Being. This is what the ancient Hindu sages prescribed, and Sri Ramana Maharshi in the 20th century too. This is according to me the crux of the matter, to distinguish between thinking and Being and spend more time just Being. From this comes the Bliss that we all long for.

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